Saturday, September 22, 2012

Scroll Zoom problem in MS Word

Scroll Zoom problem in Microsoft Word 2007

I am using Microsoft Mobile Mouse 6000 and the zoom function (by using CTRL + Scroll) did not work normally. What I did to overcome this problem is:

  • Open Control Panel -> Mouse
  • Select Wheel tab,  then select Identify programs that don't scroll correctly...  -> Click Add -> Browse for Microsoft Word -> Click OK -> OK.
  • Now, come back to Ms Word, it will work perfectly.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ms Word 2010 Eq editor hotkeys/shortcuts

Ms Word 2010 Eq editor hotkeys/shortcuts

1. Common Hotkeys
2. Basic Math Equations
3. Greek letters and symbols
4. Scripts
5. Limits/logs/trig functions
6. Common Character Accents.

1. Common Hotkeys

Alt+"="             open/close equation editor
ctrl+l              left align
ctrl+e              center align
ctrl+r              Right align
ctrl+j              justify
ctrl+b              bold
ctrl+u              underline
ctrl+i              italic
ctrl+s              save document
ctrl+o              open document
ctrl+c              copy
ctrl+x              cut
ctrl+v              paste
shift+arrow         select text. By letter or symbol
ctrl+shift+arrow    select text. by word or grouping
ctrl+shift+.        increase text size
ctrl+shift+,        decrease text size

The variables x and n can be replaced with words and full equations

2. Basic Math equations

x^n             xn
(x+x)^n         (x+x)n
x^(n+n)         x(n+n)
x^n+n           xn+n

x/n            "x" divided by "n"
(x+x)/n        "x" plus "x" total divided by "n"
x/(n+n)        "x" divided by the sum of "n"+"n"
x/n+n           "x"divided by "n" total plus "n"

Integrals: be sure to type spaces as indicated
\int  x dx             boundless integral over the function x
\int _0^n x dx         integral with bounds zero to n over the function x
\int _0^(n+n) x dx     integral with bounds zero to n plus n all over the function of x
\iint x dx             double integral with no bounds
\iiint  x dx           triple intertal
(I am not sure if you can add bounds to all the integrals
 I would use multiple single integrals for this as shown below)

\int_0^2\pi \int _0^pi \int _0^r r^2 sin \phi dr d\phi d\theta
bounds from 0 to 2(pi), 0 to pi and 0 to r
(this is an integral for a sphere of radius r)
3. Greek letters and symbols commonly used in equations:
Shortcuts (press space to change to symbol)
\Alpha        A
\alpha        α
\Beta         B
\beta         β
\Delta        Δ
\delta        δ
\partial      ∂
\Gamma        Γ
\gamma        γ
\epsilon      ϵ    
\Epsilon      Ε
\varepsilon   ε
\eta          η
\Eta          H
\theta        θ
\Theta        Θ
\kappa        κ
\Kappa        K
\lambda       λ
\Lambda       Λ
\pi           π
\Pi           Π
\omega        ω
\Omega        Ω
\mu           μ
\Mu           M
\infty        infinity symbol
4. Scripts
X^n       Xn
X_n       Xn
(I am not sure how to get the ones for elements where the scripts come before)
5. Limits/logs/trig:(type the equation as indicated, include the spaces as they are recognized by Microsoft Word.)
lim (x->0) x       limit from x to zero subscript for x
log_x n            logx n
sin x              sine function
sin^-1 x           inverse sine function       
cos x              cosine function
cos^-1 x           inverse cosine function
tan x              tangent function
tan^-1 x           inverse tangent function
sinh x             hyperbolic sine function
sinh^-1 x          inverse hyperbolic sine function
cosh x             hyperbolic cosine function
cosh^-1 x          inverse hyperbolic cosine function
tanh x             hyperbolic tangent function
tanh^-1 x          inverse hyperbolic tangent function
6. Common character accents:press space two times to get the accent on said character
x\hat       x with hat on top
x\dot       x with dot on top
x\ddot      x with two dots on top
x\dddot     x with three dots on top
x\vec       x with vector on top
x\tilde     x with tilde on top